天上聖母 媽祖
日期 :2021-05-07

【菩薩誕辰 ‧ 知多點】天上聖母 媽祖天上聖母 媽祖信仰(天上聖母)以中國大陸東南沿海(浙江、福建)以及台灣為中心,擴及東亞沿海一帶的海神信仰。又稱天上聖母 、天后、天妃、天妃娘娘、湄洲娘媽、媽祖婆等。其影響力由家鄉福建莆田湄洲島,歷經千年,對東亞海洋文化及南中國海產生重大影響,稱為媽祖文化。 相傳媽祖姓林,家中排行最小。因出生時不啼哭因而取名為「默」。自幼聰慧過人但沉默寡言,更有異能。生於宋太祖建隆元年福建莆田湄洲島東螺村。傳言常於颱風及巨湧中顯靈,保祐航海人士。故被認定是「護國庇民」的海洋守護神。據明朝書籍《東西洋考》記載媽祖於雍熙四年(公元987年)農曆九月九日得道飛昇上界。 傳說中她降服了桃花山上高明(即千里眼)和高覺(即順風耳)兩怪。兩怪成為媽祖兩大駕前護衛神,協助察聽世間苦難。千里眼右手舉至額前做遠視狀。順風耳右手舉至側耳作聽音狀。媽祖誕是農曆的三月廿三日。

Our Lady of HeavenMazu belief (Our Lady of Heaven ) is belief for the Goddess of the Sea, centered on the southeast coast of mainland China (Zhejiang, Fujian) and Taiwan, and extends to the coast of East Asia. She is also known as the Mother of Heaven, Queen of Heaven, Princess of Heaven, Empress of Heaven, Empress of Meizhou, Mazupo, etc. Her influence spreads from her homeland Meizhou Island in Putian, Fujian Province, goes through thousands of years, generates significant impact on East Asian marine culture and the South China Sea, which is now named Mazu Culture.According to legend, Mazu's surname is Lin, the youngest in the family. Because she did not cry at birth, it was named "Mo" ( means ‘silence’ ) . Since childhood, she is brilliant but quiet. She also possesses super natural power. Born in Dongluo Village, Meizhou Island, Putian, Fujian at the first year of Jianlong, Emperor Taizu of the Song Dynasty. She is described as often manifest herself when there are typhoons & save sailors & fishermen. Therefore, she is considered to be the patron saint of the ocean who "protects the country and people". According to the Ming Dynasty book "Eastern and Western Research", it is recorded that Mazu rose to the upper realm on the 9th day of the nineth month of lunar calendar in the fourth year of Yongxi (987 AD).According to legend, she surrendered the two monsters Gaoming (ie Thousand miles Eye ) and Gaojue (ie Shunfeng Ear) on Taohua Mountain. The two monsters became the two great guard gods of Mazu, helping to listen to the suffering in the world. Thousand Miles Eye raises his right hand to his forehead for longsightedness. Shunfeng Ear raises his right hand to the side of the ear for long distance listening.The birthday of Mazu is believed to be 23rd of the third month of Lunar Calendar.#東井圓佛會 #林東 #菩薩誕辰